Thrifty Thursday: Hidden Treasures
The thing about yard sales, thrifting, or shopping secondhand is you never know what you're going to get.
Some weeks, you haul home armloads of stuff. Others, only one item.
This week, I visited multiple sales and nothing.
I actually only ended up with ONE item. But it was a good one!

I scored this Kodak Colorburst 100 instant camera for ONE DOLLAR! I honestly was prepared to pay $5-$10 for it, but when the guy told me he only wanted a dollar, I was over the moon! I have no idea if it works, but it's still a great addition to my collection! A quick look on eBay tells me it's not worth too much, but it is still one of my favorite finds of the season so far!
This week we started getting ready for our own yard sale coming up...which means we went through everything in our house - from my school things, old movies, toys, and games to my grandmother's old recipe books.'
I was in vintage-lovers heaven when I hauled out this tin full of recipes. Some dated back to the 1950s and I was shaking just holding them. So much love and history soaked up in some pieces of paper.

Our family isn't really into sentimental keepsakes, but since my grandmother moved in with us, I've gotten to know a lot about her life and it is so wonderful. If there's one thing I've learned after travelling and being away from home over 5 years, it's that family is important and one day they'll be gone - so cherish it while you can!
What did YOU find this week? Let me know in the comments!
love + pixie dust,