July 5: "I'm just going to get a dole whip and go home..."

13:46 seab458 0 Comments

Yeah...that didn't happen.

On Sunday I went into work at 11:30, which meant that YAY I GOT OFF BEFORE MIDNIGHT! So my plan was to just grab a dole whip, and then go home so I could get to bed at a decent time...and somehow I didn't end up back at Patterson until 3am.

Funny how that happens!

After I got dole whip, I decided to see how long the splash mountain line was. First mistake there - the line was only 10 minutes! So obviously I couldn't pass up this opportunity, and rode it. 

Then I ran into a friend from work who had gotten off just before me and was just hanging out in the park, so we ended up going together BACK to splash, then we rode big thunder, and space mountain. Over the course of the night I was on splash four times and big thunder four times! It was a great night for rides because there was a torrential downpour that sent a lot of people home.

We ended up sticking around for wishes, and meeting up with people who were still working to watch from liberty square and singing at the top of our lungs along with the music - and directing the fireworks - because we get to hear it everyday of our lives. I don't know how i'm going to cope with not seeing wishes whenever I want to - it's probably the best perk of my job! 

We waited around for all of our friends to get off work and went to denny's (which, sadly, was not at good as ihop), almost fell asleep at the table, and then finally got home around 3am. 

It's really funny because I was NEVER someone who went out late - I'm usually in bed by 11pm - but since my schedule is so crazy, going to bed at ridiculous hours of the night is just sort of normal to me now. What am I going to do with no all night breakfast places in GFW when I get home??? 

Now I have head to work - it's my friday (YAYYY) and i have THREE days off because I gave away a shift so I could go to a housing event tomorrow night! Anita and I are planning on just relaxing all day because we've been so busy, but thursday and friday are going to be adventure days for me, so i'll have lots of things to blog about :)

love + pixie dust,
