June 12: Guess What Day it is?!?

I woke up, facetimed with my parents for a few minutes, and then facetimed my sister, and then Tamsin and I headed out to Magic Kingdom for the day! I knew that I had to work that evening, so we made fast passes for all of my favorite rides during the day!
When we got there we got a birthday button for me (because I was TOTALLY going to take advantage of being on the recieving end of cast member niceness after being on the giving side for a month), and headed to splash mountain! I've only been on Splash once since i've gotten here because the lines are always ridiculously long except during the nights that i work, and it's one of my absolute favorite rides on property, so I was super excited.
But, you know, working every day just takes it's toll on you after a while.
After Splash we had some time before our Haunted Mansion fastpass, so we headed back down to Main Street to get starbucks + sugar cookies - because what is a better birthday breakfast than basically just straight sugar??
We also headed to the Emporium where I finally bought the Alex and Ani bracelet I've had my eye on FOREVER (thanks to my parents + nan for the birthday money LOVE YOU! xoxo)- and I am in LOVE.
We visited the Haunted Mansion and made it out alive thankfully (LOLs), and meandered through Fantasyland, finally knocked trying Lefou's Brew from Gaston's Tavern off of our bucket lists (Verdict: So super delicious, but really sweet. Next time I would split it with someone - the glass is huge and I had to force myself to finish it. Pro Tip: make sure to mix it up so the marshmallow syrup is blended with the apple juice), and then headed to meet Cinderella and Rapunzel!
I don't even know what it is about these two. They're not my favorite princesses or anything, but I just love meeting them. They're always so nice and wonderful - the perfect princesses!
Cinderella saw mine and Tamsin's bracelets and was so excited that her castle was on it. She also noticed that I visit this kingdom a lot ;)
Rapunzel was fabulous and so excited that it was my birthday because she loves birthdays. She's so sweet I can't handle it.
We headed back down Main Street because Tamsin had to catch the boat over to her resort for work, but we saw that Tinkerbell only had a 15 minute wait time - so obviously we took advantage!
After Tamsin left it started to rain so I went to Tomorrowland and went on the Carousel of Progress, hoping to miss the downpour, but it apparently held off because it didn't rain for the rest of the day!
I got lunch at sleepy hollow because i've been dying to try the Sweet and Spicy Chicken and Waffles but they don't sell them after 5pm (which is like the only time I'm ever looking for them) and it was SO GOOD.
Eventually I actually made it up to my locker room, waited around for my shift to start, and clocked in. I found out that the park extended it's hours to 1am, which meant that my hours got extended to 1:45 instead of 12:45. there was a lot going on during the night and things were a little messed up with the system (i ended up having my 45 minute and 15 minute breaks right after each other? so weird), but we made it to the end!
Thankfully, one of the girls I work with offered me a ride home - but not before stopping at iHop because we were starving. It was my first time ever there and i dont know if it was the food or because I was so hungry but it was so good.
I finally got home at 4am, fell asleep and woke up at 11am. Made dinner, and now I'm getting ready to head to work again! Patiently awaiting the arrival of next thursday so I can have two consecutive days off because I am exhausted and can't do anything fun when I have to work!
love + pixie dust,
(disclaimer: i didn't actually post this until 2am on the 14th because life and work is busy and the wifi is the worst)