Dear 2016 {and goodbye to 2015}

15:48 seab458 0 Comments

Dear 2016,

You've got a lot to live up to. 2015 was by far one of the best years of my life and brought memories that I had never thought would ever actually happen.

2015 brought adventures and new friends and new confidence. New jobs, new skills, and a shiny "BA" added to the end of my name (not that I would ever do that.....maybe). It came with nerves and being terrified and flung into new and scary situations. 

2015 was the year I cried in my car more times than I can count, but also the year of staying up until 4am laughing, eating pancakes, and thanking God for the amazing people in my life. 

It was being an intern, panicking about my future, getting to do what I love, being simultaneously 100% sure of myself and completely certain that I had no idea what I was doing. It was faking it until I finally made it.  It was finishing my degree (FINALLY) and finally feeling like I had a grip on my place in ministry.

It was getting accepted into the Disney International Program. It was disbelief and butterflies after four years of dreaming. 

It was sweating more than I thought was humanly possible, memorizing the Magic Kingdom map, visiting princesses, and making magic every day, and feeling like I might pass out from exhaustion.

It was singing along to wishes so manny times it became second nature, it was actually getting used to basically living at disney world. It was crying in the middle of the park (definitely not disney look) on my last night of work and again on my last day in the parks. It was saying goodbye to friends from all over the world and going back to reality. 

It was moving home, missing Disney and my friends. Finding a fit back at home after four years. And wondering what 2016 would hold.

So 2016 - this is what you have to live up to. I believe in you + cannot wait to become acquainted as well as I was with 2015. 

love + pixie dust, 
